
Basing your spending off how your friends spend their money is a huge mistake to make.  Large spenders may also be building crippling debt.

You won’t find a real answer to how you’re doing in a Federal Reserve survey or a social media feed.  You will find it by measuring yourself against rules of thumb, refined over decades and endorsed by financial pros  that point the way toward true financial health.

Start with these:


It’s not that I don’t want a really fancy car, it is just that there is something I want a bit more: financial freedom. Car payments are many times the #1 obstacle that causes the average family not to achieve financial stability. Spend some time thinking about your current car situation.  Are your car purchases making your bank richer or you?

Here is a great read about “How Your Car Affects Your Financial Freedom.”

Many people dream of becoming rich but don’t have any idea how to make it happen.  There’s no magic formula, but there are many steps you can take to gain an advantage.  The secret to getting rich is simply doing what most people can’t.

Click here to learn Money Magazine’s boring secret to getting rich.

We’ve devised a little roadmap of goals that everyone can follow to make sure they are meeting the right financial goals for their age.  Of course, you can accomplish any of these goals sooner, but this is a good general map of where you should be at any given age:

Learn more here.

Thus they say “life begins at 40.” It is true in a sense that most people should be stable, ideally, in all aspects of their life when they turn 40—the “prime” stage in a person’s life.

It is when you are 40 when you can do and be in your greatest potential—and at least, have already achieved the following:

Click here to learn the 6 “Must” Things To Have Before You Turn 40…

Ditch the makeup and hair products. Your budgeting skills might be the thing you should really show off on your next date.  Money skills are more important than even good looks when seeking a mate!

In a recent survey about relationships and finances, MONEY found that both baby boomers and millennials agree on the three most attractive traits in a potential mate: a sense of humor, compassion, and—yes—financial responsibility. For both groups, those qualities all rank higher than physical chemistry, diligence, and even intellect.

Click here to find MONEY’s survey results on the most attractive traits.

Money Magazine shares their research on the success secrets of self-made millionaires.

Click here to read more.