If you truly want to join the ranks of the super-rich, you’ll need to start thinking like you’re already one of them.

Many ultra-wealthy people seem to share a few common traits. What do you think?

Click here to read more. 

A comparison of wealth across history:

Who had more money, John D. Rockefeller or Genghis Khan?

This ranking of the richest people of all time is based on hours of interviews with academic economists and historians.

Click on the link here for Time’s list of the wealthiest historical figures in order of their economic influence.

No matter how much you earn you could be creating your own barriers to financial success without even knowing it. Here are 10 things you might be doing that are preventing you from achieving financial freedom.

Click here to read Money Magazine’s 10 Reasons You’ll Never Be Rich. 

Money Magazine shares their research on the success secrets of self-made millionaires.

Click here to read more.

The 401(K) has become America’s number one way to save for retirement.  The stock market’s recent bull streak has not only pushed the average 401(k) plan balance to record highs, but also boosted the ranks of a new breed of retirement investor: the 401(k) millionaire.  To join this “Million Dollar Club,” you need to learn all the right ingredients to this recipe.

Click here to read the article.