April brings showers, flowers…and taxes!   You have a little over a month to go before the tax filing deadline, and if you’re in need of motivation, we have 10 money-saving tax deductions (and credits) to keep in mind.

Millions of taxpayers overpay their taxes every year by overlooking just one of the money-saving tax breaks listed here.

How will the Trump tax plan change YOUR taxes? Will the GOP tax plan lower your taxes or raise them?  The House and Senate are expected to pass the final version of the tax bill this week, but  polling shows that most Americans don’t expect the bill to benefit them.  With this calculator, find out if that’s the case. The calculator doesn’t incorporate every provision of the new tax code, but enough to make an educated guess.

Click below to get a simple estimate of your tax cut or hike.

Source: http://taxplancalculator.com/