Wealth Management Services

We offer a broad range of Wealth Management services and can help our clients navigate through life’s many transitions.  We will partner with you to develop an individual investment portfolio by learning about your needs and goals during the financial planning process.  

Our Wealth Management service is specifically suited to those individuals with ongoing financial planning needs (such as retirement planning, health care strategies, tax strategies, insurance planning, portfolio design and ongoing management, etc.). 

* For clients who are not quite ready for a full-time financial advisor, but still could benefit from our asset management, please see our Horizons Managed Portfolios services.

Wealth Management is primarily provided to clients as a continuation of the financial planning process.  For this select group of clients, we commit to serving as their full-time personal financial advisor. Services performed for these clients include, but are not limited to:

  • Portfolio design and ongoing management
  • Asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing
  • Retirement planning
  • Tax strategies
  • College planning
  • Estate planning and trust management
  • Charitable planning
  • Long-term care and other insurance planning

Lower risk and maximize returns

Your financial situation is always changing in reaction to outside influences, so it’s important to have an advisor periodically review and revise your plan to adjust to changes in the financial world, as well as your personal goals.

Horizons Wealth is not a brokerage firm or affiliated with a bank or investment company.  We are truly independent, which enables us to provide our clients with objective investment management services. We manage your wealth built on our founding principle: manage your money as we would ours.

Our investment philosophy is based upon asset allocation and seeks to lower risk and maximize returns by holding a portfolio diversified across different asset classes while avoiding market timing.  So, we don’t chase after hot stocks or market sectors, nor do we try to time the market. Instead, we thoroughly analyze how to combine a variety of portfolio asset classes best, thereby minimizing your risk and maximizing your return.  Every portfolio is customized to fit each client’s unique circumstances and risk tolerance. We use Shareholders Service Group as our discount broker, and assets are held at Pershing LLC.

Peace of Mind

We will also help you avoid the temptation to react to market roller coaster rides in an emotional way. No one can avoid market declines, and sometimes these drops can be substantial.  Studies have shown that making emotional decisions about your investments can devastate your portfolio, inflicting far larger losses than the markets would deliver on their own. We help insulate you from the market ups and downs and focus on the long-term progress towards achieving your financial goals.

In order to maintain the highest level of service to these clients, we frequently review and monitor our efficiency and effectiveness.  We deliver quarterly investment reports and newsletters, as well as hold in-person review meetings as needed about the progress of your financial plan and investments.  Because of this commitment, we will never compromise the level of service to our select group of Wealth Management clients.

You will gain peace of mind knowing we are with you every step of the way toward achieving your financial success.

Fee Schedule for Wealth Management

First $1 Million0.875%
From $1-$2 Million0.75%
From $2-$5 Million0.60%
From $5-$10 Million0.45%
$10 Million and up0.30%
*Our minimum Wealth Management fee is $4000 per quarter.

The Benefits of Wealth Management


We bring order to your financial life through:

  • Portfolio design and ongoing management
  • Asset allocation and portfolio re-balancing
  • Retirement planning
  • Tax strategies and optimization
  • College planning
  • Charitable planning
  • Long-term care, asset protection & insurance planning
  • Cash flow management


We help you maintain focus and follow through on financial commitments by:

  • Regularly reviewing and monitoring your progress towards achieving your short-term and long- term financial goals
  • Regularly reviewing of your portfolio performance and monitoring changing life circumstances


We bring insight from the outside to help you avoid emotionally driven decisions on important money matters by:

  • Helping you avoid the temptation to react to market roller coaster rides in an emotional way
  • Being available to consult with you at key moments of decision-making



We work with you to be financially prepared for major life changes by regularly assessing any potential life transitions that might be coming, and creating the action plan necessary to address and manage them ahead of time:

  • Retirement
  • Bereavement or divorce
  • Saving for college
  • Buying a home
  • Receiving an inheritance
  • Changing jobs


We empower you to make informed financial decisions and help you understand your financial circumstances and options by:

  • Analyzing and evaluating each situation and provide the necessary resources to facilitate your decisions
  • Explaining the risks and rewards associated with each choice


Our goal is to help you achieve the best life possible by working in concert with you.

Peace of Mind:

We are with you every step of the way toward achieving financial sustainability.

Contact us today to start the conversation or schedule a free initial meeting.

Call us at: 828-337-9395

Email us at: info@horizonswealth.com

© 2023 Horizons Wealth Management