How the World’s Oldest People Make Their Money Last

What we can learn from centenarians in Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula:

Wondering how to make the most of your retirement savings? Here are a few tips from some of the world’s oldest people.


Why 8,000 Is The Most Important Number For Your Retirement Plan

Does the number 8,000 mean anything to you? Here’s what it has to do with retiring.

Learn more here.

How to wean grown kids off your payroll, freeing up more retirement cash

Are your adult children still relying on you financially? Here’s how to help them find independence.

Just because your kids have moved out of the house doesn’t mean they’re out of your financial life. Six out of 10 (61 percent) parents with at least one adult child over 18 said they provided them financial help, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

But, eventually, empty nesters face the delicate job of shifting the bill-paying burden to their grown children. Covering your kids’ cellphone bill, car payments, credit cards and other monthly costs can’t last forever. Doing away with those bills, if possible, is a budget-friendly move.

Learn how here.

These surprising spending truths could upend your retirement

When do retirees typically spend the most money (and what are they spending it on)?

How much you spend will have a big impact on how well you live in retirement, according to new research from J.P. Morgan.

Learn more here.

When Will I Be Retirement Ready?

How do we know when we have enough for retirement?  Given it’s National Save for Retirement Week, there’s no better time than now to take the mystery out of saving for retirement.  The objective is that when you arrive at the golden years and find that they are truly golden-  It’s called FINANCIAL FREEDOM.   And it’s easier to get there with a little planning-  even in your 20s- Because it’s closer than you think!


Click the here to learn when you will be “Retirement Ready.”

How to Tell If You Are Ready to Retire

Most people’s finances would be improved by another year spent in the workforce, but you also don’t want to work for so long that you don’t have time to enjoy the things you want to do in retirement.  Here’s how to tell if you are ready to leave the working world behind.

Make sure you do these 5 things before stepping away from the working world.

Click here to learn more.

If You Want to Retire in 10 Years, Do These 5 Things Now

The actions you take in the final decade before you quit working are crucial to getting the next phase off to a smooth start.

We provide retirement planning counsel to many clients. Considering retirement is exciting, but it can also cause anxiety and fear. That’s why we encourage our clients to begin planning for retirement with a comprehensive financial plan.  Seeing your personalized financial plan takes away much of the anxiety before your retirement date arrives.

Money Magazine offers this advice if you plan to retire in the next 10 years:

Click Here.

Your Kids Are Ruining Your Retirement

More than a third of millennials receive financial support from their parents.   New studies show that many boomers are risking ruining their retirement to subsidize their adult children, which is scary as they live longer and will need more savings.  Making personal sacrifices for the good of your children is good parenting.  But there are limits, and financial advisors agree that your retirement should not be on the table.

Learn More here.