What is a bear market?  Bear markets are normal, but not predominant.  Statistically, we are overdue. The most recent bear market ended in March 2009 — more than six years ago.

Learn how to survive the Bear Markets here.

Arguments about money are by far the top predictor of divorce. It’s no secret that fighting about money puts a huge strain on a relationship. Money issues are so troublesome that people who say they’re experiencing stress in their relationship cite “finances” as the number one reason.

This may seem like a grim prognosis for married couples, but it doesn’t have to be.  There are various steps that experts say couples can take to avoid letting money matters get the best of their marriage.

So whether you’re about to say “I do” or money problems have you thinking maybe “I don’t anymore” the following tips can help prevent money from destroying  your relationship.

Click here to read more.

A comparison of wealth across history:

Who had more money, John D. Rockefeller or Genghis Khan?

This ranking of the richest people of all time is based on hours of interviews with academic economists and historians.

Click on the link here for Time’s list of the wealthiest historical figures in order of their economic influence.